Good morning, Colorado Springs! After sleeping in the most comfortable bed in recent memory, I was greeted with a wondrous breakfast, courtesy of Aunt Leslie. After stuffing my face and taking in their morning view from their back porch, we packed up the car with the dogs and headed to park. Geronimo and Buttercup are adorable, fun-loving dogs. They thoroughly enjoyed swimming and chasing sticks. It made me feel like Clementine is only partially dog. Sure, she hunts squirrels and stuff... but her phobia of water and other dog-like activities leaves me feeling slightly inadequate as a dog owner.

Leslie and I hiked around the park and talked a bunch. It was great getting to know family more and this instance really helped me appreciate my aunt all the more. After the dogs began to dry, we drove into town to find the nearest bike shop. At the shop, we heard news about a bear running wild through the adjacent building complex. Sadly, I wasn't able to witness this chaos; however, I was pleased to only pay 40 bucks for peace of mind. The "cranking" sound I was hearing was my bottom bracket coming loose. The technician also overhauled my front wheel hub and now the Volpe rides like a dream.

Afterwards, we ran over to an apparently bear-free grocery store and Leslie, the sly, swiped her card like a ninja and paid for my hygienic products! This was one of many examples of how much I was spoiled today. I felt like I was taken away from boot camp and thrown into a luxurious spa. For that, I can only thank the Ralphe family for their hospitality and loving kinship!

I spent the rest of the afternoon reading excerpts of books and admiring their bookshelf. A typical thunder storm rolled through and I found Geronimo hiding in the shower (apparently, he does this often). Greg came home from work and looked over the maps with me. He's the go-to-guy for everything Colorado. He filled me in on what kind of weather, topography... (you name it) I'd be facing. Nate then drove down from Boulder and we had a fantastic burrito dinner followed by ice cream! Stuffed bellies, we lounged around with the dogs and I headed to bed early. I really enjoyed my short time Colorado Springs. The weather was fantastic and the views were outstanding. It was certainly my best "rest day" of the journey. Thank you Leslie, Greg, Amelia, and Nate for taking in a smelly, unshaven drifter and making him feel at home. I love you guys!

Not to bring down the mood, but I was checking my emails before falling asleep and I just received this email from Vicki Rush, coordinator of Montaña de Luz and all-around-awesome-lady:
"Dear Friends,
The current political unrest in Honduras has resulted in the cancellation of July and August mission/service groups and we are unsure of when trips will be able to resume. That translates into a loss of nearly $60,000 in support, both immediate and long term, also impacting the vital work these groups accomplish for the good of Montaña de Luz.
Please continue to join us in our hopes and prayers for a peaceful resolve in these unsettling times. Your consideration in making a donation at this time of need is also appreciated. Know that your support means the world to the children and mission of Montaña de Luz."
This is unfortunate news; however, I hope we can continue to help MdL with this fund raiser, so keep your friends informed and let them know about this great foundation. Thanks, guys!
What a wonderful Ralphe family!!! I thank them also and send my love and gratitude for taking such unbelievable good care of you, Blake. We are looking forward to seeing all of them in Jan. for Amelia and Austin's wedding!! I am glad you had some "one on one" time with them. They are awesome relatives!!!!!
Love and blessings, Momma and Dad
It takes all sorts of dogs to fill the canine world...
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